
It's time again for the gang and members from TQS to descend upon the city of Houston, TX, for the annual International Quilt Festival, and a chance to meet, chat, and visit. This year, we'll be in booth 1210. Stop by for the daily 1:00pm meet/greet, join us at the TQS member hosted dinner, and take advantage of the opportunity to catch up in person with some of your online friends.

PS: Don't forget to wear your TQS badge. Don't have one? Here is the pattern and some examples of other badges.


Did you know that you can get the artwork for badge right here on the site?  Click here for the artwork.  

Need a little inspiration to get your juices flowing before you make your badge, take a look at some of these...After you've watched the show, make your badge, find your friends, and tell them, "It's A New Day!"

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


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