Time is running out for the Dream Rocket Kickstarter project. This project will only be funded if at least $24,150 is pledged by Sunday Jun 23, 4:12pm EDT.  Wouldn't you love to see a Saturn V Moon Rocket wrapped in quilts?

There are only 3 days left!


The Dream Rocket Project started in 2009 and is a multi-year project with an ultimate goal of collecting 8,000 artworks which would be assembled side by side as a quilt to wrap a replica of a Saturn V Moon Rocket replica for a 60 day exhibition, May 1 - June 30, 2014.

Over 130 venues have collaborated with them in exhibiting over 4,200 submissions.
Submissions have been received by individuals, groups and schools from 17 countries, 46 states, and 365 communities.

Now, instead of wrapping the replica, they are hoping to wrap the indoor real Saturn V Moon Rocket and they need your help!

They feel it would be awesome to walk under the entire  length of the indoor rocket and look up to see all the art. It would be much more difficult to see all of the art on the outdoor vertical rocket which stands 363 feet tall.

This change in plans would require engineering drawings, color renderings, a 3D model and more.  In order to defray expense they've put the project up on Kickstarter.  They are hoping to raise $24,150 by June 23. Time is running out That's only a few days away!

To learn more about the project, participants and social and economic benefits, click here.


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