
Starting today, there are 648 days until we leave for our fantastic African safari. We want lots of TQS members to go - so we did the math. If you saved $10.50 a day for the next 648 days, you would pay for the trip. Seriously, that's a sandwich and a soda! Since many of us are looking for a good diet, why not try the "I wanna go to Africa diet?" Or, what about cutting your expensive daily cup of coffee and make it at home for MUCH less? Then of course, there is the, "I'll plan my errands so I can save gas" plan. What else can you do to save a few bucks? Let's go to AFRICA!!!

For details on this incredible tour with Sew Many Places - click here.

News flash - spots are filling! We're already one-quarter over or our goal and it's only been announced one week!

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