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3 Quilts for Jake


A friend had lost her son to cancer, he was 22 years old.I asked her if she wanted me to make a memory quilt. She wanted 3 one for her , one for her grandson that was 2 months old when his dad died and one for her Husband. 

IJake had been sick for a while and so there wasnt really enough shirts to make one quilt let alone 3 . So I picked out a couple of shirts that worked together for each quilt and then added photos and  racing ribbons, and cards. Then I picked out a few fabric colours that I thought would compliment  the shirts . I then filled in with simple blocks : stars  and  flying geese predominantly. It took a while but I got them done  with the help of a local long armer.

Its funny, as I was making them, I was going through his clothes, photos and memorabilia and I felt close to him. I was afraid that the quilts would be morbid but instead it was like he spoke to loved ones through the quilts. 


Added: Jan 18, 2021


Name of Pattern or Block 3 QUILTS FOR JAKE
Owned By Julie and her family
Name of Maker michelle goldsmith
Name of Quilter Toni Trott
Year Made 2019
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Chermside West
Located in State QLD
Located in Country Australia
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Adapted Original Design
Design Source - Based On pretty much improvised
Genre Other
Genre - Other Desc. MEMORY QUILTS
Quilt Type Quilt Blocks On
Quilt Width 140
Quilt Height 160
Measurement In: Centimeters
Fabric Used Other
Fabric Used - Other Desc. whatever was available to me.
Construction Technique other
Piecing By Hand
Applique by None
Embellishments - Other Desc. personal memorablilia /printed cards and photos


#2 kbstango 2021-01-18 10:32
These are beautiful and a wonderful gift for your friend and her family. I worked on a piece once that was a memorial item and it touched my heart as well. Creating something that gives comfort to others gives some to the sewer as well. Thank you so much for sharing these. It was an uplifting moment in my day!
#1 buescherbari 2021-01-18 06:35
Each one is beautifully done and will surely be cherished.
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