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RBG on the Courthouse Steps


This was a project for a quilting group I am part of.  The pattern is a simple enlargement of the Courthouse Steps block.  Right as I started it, the news came through about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This project morphed into a nod of respect to  her - an admirable woman who taught us all to be upstanding, productive, age with vitality, and fight for life to the end.  It’s all made of scraps, but each was chosen with a meaning to represent some thought about her.  The fiery center block is her as the Flame of Justice.  The colored steps are the great colorful cacophony of America and its people that she supported.  The ghostly pale strips are the people and cases that went before and framed her rulings.  Each of the side strips is matched to the side across from it to represent her quest for equality.  The binding is her black judicial robe with her ever present pearls.  It was a simple quilt to construct, but is one of my favorites.  

Added: Dec 13, 2020


Name of Pattern or Block Irregular Beauty
Owned By Karen Snedeker
Name of Maker Karen Snedeker
Name of Quilter Karen Snedeker
Year Made 2020
Year Made is: Certain
Located in City Bradenton
Located in State FL
Located in Country United States
Condition of Quilt Mint
Design Source Published Pattern
Design Source - Based On Irregular Beauty
Design Source - Published In Wabi Sabi Sewing
Design Source - Designed by Karen Lewis
Genre Contemporary Quilt
Quilt Type Wall Quilt
Quilt Width 50
Quilt Height 50
Measurement In: Inches
Fabric Used 100% Commercial Cotton
Construction Technique Pieced
Construction Technique - Other Desc. Sewn using Quilt as you go technique
Piecing By Machine
Applique by None
Types of Quilting Machine Quilted
Types of Quilting - Other Method Quilted each row with decorative stitch as it was added to quilt.


#2 MarieHMisgen 2021-01-28 08:45
Very fresh and inspiring! Nice tribute to a great woman.
#1 Zena Thomas 2021-01-06 22:25
I too am a fan of RBG and think that your quilt is a great way to honor her.
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