im4himfirst Picnic~Racers - My first "Modern" Quilt (a picnic blanket) when grandsons visit. The pattern placement of blocks allow 'the boys' to race cars from the start line (see flags bottom far right) over light colored wonky blocks, around corners, onto the finish line flags at the top right block. The Zen String throughout quilt top is echoed, creating a pathway wide enough for matchbox size cars to race a different course. If you look closely,to the far left of the quilt (on the wall) you will see a "Hot Wheels race car". On July 16 I took "Picnic~Racers" to the university, part of an art exhibit titled, "The Feel Good Gallery" open to the public through end September. There is still more quilting I would like to add, (especially around the pillow area) where I drew in thread a few images of cars, road signs and lettering once "Picnic ~ Racers" returns home this Fall. Hidden within some of the FMQ are a few written messages- I love writing within the quilting to be found later by those who study the quilting!