Inspired by her mother's green thumb with begonias, Andrea Brokenshire wanted to create a quilt that showed off her mom's knack for gardening. The appropriately named Orange Crushed It won Best Sewing Machine Workmanship Innovative at PIQF 2019 and features beautiful machine appliqué, machine piecing, and machine quilting.

Learn from Andrea in Show 2803.

OrangeCrushedItbyAndreaBrokenshire - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

OrangeCrushedItbyAndreaBrokenshire - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating

OrangeCrushedItbyAndreaBrokenshire - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

OrangeCrushedItbyAndreaBrokenshire - 35 Pieces Rotating

OrangeCrushedItbyAndreaBrokenshire - 99 Pieces Rotating

OrangeCrushedItbyAndreaBrokenshire - 300 Pieces Rotating

Original Photo: Lucas Davis

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