Taking a similar approach to a popular quilt she made before, Jennifer Sampou took a large animal, in this case a whale, and set it against a simple background to emphasis the appliqué work done in the quilt. Featuring quilting by Jenny K. Lyon (Show 2404), enjoy Whale And I.
You can learn from Jennifer in Show 2706.
WhaleAndIbyJenniferSampou - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating
WhaleAndIbyJenniferSampou - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating
WhaleAndIbyJenniferSampou - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating
WhaleAndIbyJenniferSampou - 36 Pieces Rotating
WhaleAndIbyJenniferSampou - 100 Pieces Rotating
WhaleAndIbyJenniferSampou - 289 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Kristin Goedert
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