All the coloring on Cathy Franks' quilt, Space Age, was done with colored pencils. There is no piecing on this quilt. She also took up the challenge to use rulers when doing her quilting. Those are all radiating 4" circles.

Learn how Cathy does her quilting design in our Masterclass, Show 2802: Quilting Design Masterclass.

See more of Cathy's quilts in Show 2302: Creative Embellishments and Quilt Stencil Versatility.

SpaceAgebyCathyFranks - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

SpaceAgebyCathyFranks - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

SpaceAgebyCathyFranks - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

SpaceAgebyCathyFranks - 36 Pieces Rotating

SpaceAgebyCathyFranks - 100 Pieces Rotating

SpaceAgebyCathyFranks - 289 Pieces Rotating

Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis

#1 Patsy 2018-10-10 23:16
What a great quilt. Was it the fabric used or was it thread work? Beautiful!
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