Michele added a little something "vintage" to the bottom of her Keys to Paradise quilt. Can you guess what it is?

Star Members can discover other "mediums" that Michele uses to make her quilts in Show 2109: Inventive Products & Binding Unusually Shaped Quilts, also featuring Laura Wasilowski.

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 36 Pieces Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 100 Pieces Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 300 Pieces Rotating

Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis

#2 JOHNANDERSON 2017-10-29 21:40
We are checking into it. Sorry for the problem.
#1 Ramona 2017-10-29 09:59
Why can I not get the puzzles to come up. It keeps saying the game space is too small. When you enlarge the window and go back and click on the puzzle you want the window get smaller. :cry:

please help
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