Bugs Bunny himself would love to take a bite out of this oversized carrot from Carol Morrissey.

Star Members can watch Carol in Show 1908: Postcards and Photorealism.

CarrotFarmbyCarolMorrissey - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

CarrotFarmbyCarolMorrissey - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

CarrotFarmbyCarolMorrissey - 297 Pieces Non-Rotating

CarrotFarmbyCarolMorrissey - 36 Pieces Rotating

CarrotFarmbyCarolMorrissey - 100 Pieces Rotating

CarrotFarmbyCarolMorrissey - 297 Pieces Rotating

Original Photo: Gregory Case

#5 Donna Waller 2016-10-18 13:32
Please resend with the normal puzzle configuration. Pieces way too small.
#4 Alice O 2016-10-16 16:29
How refreshing and so much fun, loved it!!
#3 Macjory 2016-10-16 15:54
Why are the pieces so small this week? It's not like other puzzles in this series.
#2 Macjory 2016-10-16 12:36
But why are the pieces so small? I can barely see them (unlike most other puzzles with larger pieces)!
#1 AnnQuilter 2016-10-16 05:40
Love the colors - and thankfully NO SKULLS/BONES !!! ;-)
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