"Summer Wind" was the winner of the Baby Lock Master Award for Innovative Artistry at IQA Houston 2014.

Artist Statement:

"The strong and hot colors of Ann Bocek's oil  painting inspired me to dye my own silk and form the quilt, using a great number of colors and shades.  I was also challenged to reproduce in fabric the painting's hair movement with the available textile techniques and the quilting."

SummerWindbyMarinaLandiandMariaLuciaAzara - 36 pieces non-rotating

SummerWindbyMarinaLandiandMariaLuciaAzara - 100 pieces non-rotating

SummerWindbyMarinaLandiandMariaLuciaAzara - 289 pieces non-rotating

SummerWindbyMarinaLandiandMariaLuciaAzara - 100 pieces rotating

SummerWindbyMarinaLandiandMariaLuciaAzara - 289 pieces rotating

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