This is Amsterdam Alley: The Shortcut Between by Leslie T. Jenison. It measures 48" x 36" and the materials used include: silk, cotton, canvas, dye, paint, bamboo felt, both cotton and polyester thread, along with Mistyfuse fusible. It is currently part of a private collection.
Artist Statement:
This quilt was inspired by a photograph I took during a trip to Amsterdam, Netherlands. I felt it would be an interesting challenge to expand the borders of the image into a quilt. The dye-painted graffiti is based on the colorful images I was exposed to in other parts of the city.
Amsterdam Alley by Leslie Jenison - 35 pieces non-rotating
Amsterdam Alley by Leslie Jenison - 99 pieces non-rotating
Amsterdam Alley by Leslie Jenison - 300 pieces non-rotating
Cheers to you!
Regards, Deborah
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