The TQS puzzle is a Block of the Month featured in Yoko Saito's book, Houses, Houses, Houses!  Yoko says, "Two houses are in each month's design.  Working steadily, your town will be finished within a year. "

(quilt photo by Gregory Case)

Houses by Yoko Saito - 36 pieces non-rotating

Houses by Yoko Saito - 100 pieces non-rotating

Houses by Yoko Saito - 289 pieces non-rotating

Houses by Yoko Saito - 100 pieces rotating

Houses by Yoko Saito - 289 pieces rotating




#1 Orchard quilts 2016-07-27 23:06
This is so reminiscent of the area where I live, including the old barns, windmills and fences. Such a lovely quilt.
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