Name: Deborah Boschert Fabric Collage Block
Designer: Ann Myhre

Show 2108: Surface Design Simplified & Vintage Quilt Bed Turning
Begins: October 22, 2017
Price: Free to Star Members
Description: Practice Deborah Boschert's techinque for creating a fabric collage.

You must be logged in as a Star member to download the patterns. If you are not logged in, you will have to login and then return to the TQS Show Techniques page.

Star Members click here to get the pattern.

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#1 knitstoo_1 2017-10-23 12:06
Not certain what I am doing wrong, but I cannot get the link to work...it just sends me to a logout page. I've even logged all the way out and back in again.
I love everything Ann does so I need to download!
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