mknavy90 wrote:
I am still trying to hunt down a picture of the quilt I made for my sister a couple of years ago. Margo's right! If I have made labels for all of them.... and took pictures and put into a quilt journal, I would be on top of all this info. But nooooooooo..... I always put off what I can do later... well, it's now "later" and I am hunting to try and recreate history
Oh well, live and learn! Mary Kay
I'm with you, Mary Kay
I've been searching for photos of quilts that have been given as gifts. I'm sure I labeled them, but...
photos? I've found a few snapshots - you know- the ones on real photo paper. Remember them? LOL. I'm not too sure about scanning those prints into the computer (what they'd look like).
I'll do better documentation from now on. Aren't digital cameras wonderful?!