Mrs.A wrote:
Basically in a pack of 5 - 7 needles, only one or two are really good (meaning that the notch is open enough to accept the thread and not shred it). Mrs.A
I'm glad you raised this point--when I started quilting two years ago, I purchased several packs of 6
cheater needles by Colonial because they were the only ones I had seen up to that point. They were also under $2.00 a pack. I, too, found several that would shred my thread, tossed them and kept the few good ones. I'm wondering whether all of these kind of needles are the same in quality or whether, Clover, for example, might have better quality control over their product. I don't know who else, out there, makes these kind ofself-threading needles. Of course, Spiral Eye needles have caught my interest.