Quiltcamp wrote:
Margo, I'm finally getting back to the computer -- a busy few days. I was just wondering about the bobbin washers as I do have a fussy Janome 1600 on my Grace frame. She only likes Robinson Anton thread. If I try other thread she skips stitches and just doesn't sew quite right. I thought maybe the washers might be the trick. Sounds as though some like the washers, some don't and others don't see a difference. I may just have to try them and see for myself. Thanks again to all how weighed in. Quilters are the best.
Pam, I'm glad you found a thread that your machine likes!! I tried the Bobbin Washers in my HQ16, but didn't really notice a difference, but then, my stitches have always been good, and my machine runs any thread that I've tried!! It might be worth checking them out if it allows you more choices for threads that will work for you!