and i love buying old cookbooks, novels, biographies, travel books in the second hand shop or antiquariat and finding names and dedications in the front - or - even better - notes and comments in the book.
cookbooks i love have comments, additions, ideas written next to the recipe and the cookbooks i look for in the antiquariat are the ones with lots of comments, added recipes and ideas.
i love imagining the persons who gave the books and the recipients, the occasions for which they were given - makes a book so much more valuable for me.
and if anyone has those old early editions of agatha christie paperbacks that are almost falling apart - i'm here - i love them - i collect them - i love reading them and finding the mistakes (like the obvious when the heroine started out the story with blond hair and blue eyes and suddenly turned into a brunette, or when the name changed halfway through the story). in the new editions these have all been corrected - not nearly as much fun to read