Gyleen wrote:
Holy Smoke! I stepped away for a what I thought was just a moment ... and this thread ... has gone wild! I'm back and able to stitch (shoulder injury). Still getting caught up on all my back-log obligations. I've been shipping orders like mad...and thanks for spreading the word and giving me the love. To date, the Trash to Treasure Pineapple Challenge is in every state of the union (USA), a good part of Canada, and in 15 other fabulous countries I would like to visit.
I just love seeing all the new T2T pineapple quilts.
Glad to hear from you again. Perhaps we will get back to the topic of pineapples again! I have cut lots of strips from my scraps. I have a large pile of more scraps too. I guess that it is time to get to work...
I hope that your shoulder is feeling better.