Hi. You know those magic eraser pads they have out for cleaning,I think they have Oxi clean ingredients in them, I wouldn't doubt it at all! I'm truely surprized they don't have spit and shine in a bottle! LOL! You know us girls will come up with our own cleaning recipes! I know I do, though I almost caused a bom by mixing wrong cleaning ingredients together,barely got out of the room because it put off some really bad vapors,it choked me good,I was actually gasping for air, I know that was crazy crazy,but I was younger then and didn't know better I'd forgot what I learnt in the science lab! Crazy!
"So we do have to be very careful with mixing cleaning detergents".
Hows your daughter crocheting comming along? Does she Love quilting? "Whatcha two been into lately"? Lots of great fun I hope.
Enquiring minds wanna know!