beckyezra wrote:
small question about that - is it ok to glue the small crystals with little school glue to put all of them on the block, so to see the right position, then to iron all of them with iron (with baking paper protecting the iron etc.).
or do i need to do it one by one and getting nuts

I have a feeling, like Nancy said, that there might be a problem with the two substances not playing well together. Since you are trying different ways of doing a mass setting of crystals, you might try a spray startch (it's kind of sticky) set your crysatals, let it dry, and see if they temporarily stay in place. Or, maybe even a spray baste, except that stuff is so toxic, so I only use it outside. Just play around, trying different methods, and if you find one that works, let us know! For now, I usually don't do more than about 5 or 6 at a time, if they are close enough together.
In beautiful Northwest Montana
And I would do a test on a sample for any substance you try since I would be concerned about anything interfering with the bond between the hot glue and the fabric. I would probably wash the test sample if you are going to wash your final quilt after applying the crystals, just in case that makes a difference. For example, maybe the hot fix will attach to the starch, but then not be attached to the fabric once the starch is washed out. It's just better to be safe than sorry! Good luck and let us see what you make!!