Guterman's is a nice thread. I like it for garment making and straight seam machine piecing. I have occasionally used it for quilting in a pinch, but I would not want to use it for thread painting. If you put a lot of thread in a small space, you're in effect, building a fabric on top of a fabric and that hard a thread can make it too solid like a piece of cardboard, and it won't build well.
So you might want to consider a natural thread for your thread painting embellishments and quilting. I use YLI silk and Superior cotton or blends and sometimes rayon. I have also used Isacord polyester for embroidery and thread painting, and it's ok, but it's 40 weight and especially designed for embroidery, though it gets pretty stiff also. Guterman's is a little too strong and spun too tightly or something so it won't sink into the fabric well and can actually cut through cotton if it's at all stressed.
Superior has some of the best threads around and it glides through the needle like butter--even the metallics.
Does this help? I'll be interested to see if others agree with me.
Cheers, Betty Jo