Am praying that God's love brings comfort to everyone who has lost a loved one and for those with special needs prayer requests. My heart goes out to all of you.
I have an update and prayer request (with her permission) about Terrie Vorsteher. I want to share her own words with you here so you can understand just how full her platter-sized plate has been lately. I should also add that Terrie didn't want to bother people with all her needs, and also because she hasn't made all of her mug rugs yet and feels embarrassed about that. (I think WE ALL UNDERSTAND that Terrie has been through quite a lot with her first surgery and that when she gets well, those mug rugs will be even more special to their recipients!) Here are some of Terrie's words:
"I am awaiting my second surgery to 'reconnect' what was disconnected in me, but a glitch showed up last week when a routine live blood test showed my liver enzymes up quite a bit. I was scheduled for a biopsy (think: rejection of transplant), but the next day the blood levels had gone down a wee bit. I had another blood test yesterday and I'm still waiting for the nurse to call. I admit I've not been in such peace as our faith allows, but trust I am in His hands. It's just the upcoming surgery was stressful enough, then less than 24 hours before that, it was cancelled and I am/was faced with possible liver rejection after 16 years, and I'm in 'waiting' mode....Blood tests this week showed a slight improvement in the liver enzyme levels. Another blood test is scheduled for beginning of May."
Terrie thanks everyone for their prayers and gave the following happy post script message in today's email: "My orchid bloomed yesterday -- deep pink -- after a whole winter of being dormant, somehow it's the first time I have been able to nurse an orchid back to bloom! I am so thrilled!" And, Terrie, I'm/we're thrilled that God seems to have given you a beautiful message of hope that you'll recover from your next (and hopefully) last you can get back to QUILTING WITH THE LIKES OF ALL OF US!
Blessings and much love,