This year I have started quilting more of what I want, but I still do have a few basic quilts in work too. I was thinking the other day that I should count up how many quilts that I have "in work". It is probably around 10..... I have been quilting for ~7 years, and it was only this year that I really started diving into more of what I wanted to make, and less of the basics that I felt obligated to finish from past years.
In my case I suppose it is not entirely either, or.... I do most of my sewing in what I am comfortable with.... but I do challenge myself in each quilt that I do, to do something new. And then there are my experimental "practice" pieces I do where I all myself to try a bit of something new and throw it away if need be.
I actually make fairly simple quilts... Mostly because I am still learning the techniques and I rarely have time to sew ... I have tons of quilts in progress... some nearing completion and some months / years away. I also find I get side track sewing quilts for others.... baby grandson... daughter and various family members.
I would like to make big beautiful vibrant quilts... but some how that is not what I really sew.... In part because I do not yet have the skillls
Do you sew what you really reallllllY want ( or DREAM OF ) to sew... in the style / pattern / theme you want to sew in .....
Do you sew with-in your various limitations ( skill, money, time constraints ) etc.