Cindy is a member (search under her name because right now I can't remember her screen name) and she is most gracious about answering questions so my suggestion would be to send her an e mail and ask what you need to know. Better than the rest of us guessing!!!! (my guesses are often wrong) Ann
Cindy is a member (search under her name because right now I can't remember her screen name) and she is most gracious about answering questions so my suggestion would be to send her an e mail and ask what you need to know. Better than the rest of us guessing!!!! (my guesses are often wrong) Ann
During the show Cindy mentioned "restoration soap" from Engelside products for washing vintage textiles. Although there is an online site for Engelside products, they did not list restoration soap. I also checked out Cindy's website - no luck there either. Does anyone know if this soap is any different then say woolite or synthrapol?