Lorchen wrote:
Not sure about those crossed fingers. Just enjoy the festive season and assess the situation at the beginning of January. There are a few things that I'm planning to do: Only very small portions of deserts, staying away as much as possible from sauces, trying not to 'nibble' when there is lots of food spread out, and eat something low in calories before going out to parties, so that I'm not hungry when I get there.
My other plan for the Christmas holidays: Go through all my clothes and give away everything too big to a charity.
Sounds like a great plan for addressing things! You have done so well with this weight loss!! I've been reading along, though I don't chime in often these days.
LOVE the Advent wreath! I think I'm going to borrow the idea for my boys. Maybe not exactly candy wreaths, but a non-calender version of a countdown -- this really sparked my creative juices! Thanks!
So sweet your family is helping & encouraging you in this, too. That is a special gift all by itself! Enjoy!!