Jeanine, at the moment I do relatively little physically. But you should see the length of our school corridors! And I don't get out of breath and wheeze anymore when when running up and down them all day.
The lack of physical activity has always been one of my problems. I fell down a whole flight of stairs over 30 years ago. My older son had left a little brown toy car on top of the stairs on a brown carpet. I didn't see it, put one foot on it and went flying. I was carrying my younger son at the time who was about 5 months old. So instead of letting go of Andreas and grab the hand rail, I protected my baby and landed at the bottom of the stairs on a twisted knee joint. They considered a knee replacement, but managed to re-attach torn ligaments and muscles and remove bone fragments. But it has been a problem ever since.
But..... I can manage 2km on a treadmill now - walking, not running.
I have been told that physical activity is very beneficial and increases general well-being, but it's what you eat and drink that is the most important factor when it comes to weight.
And to answer the question about grandchild number two: Kerri is fine now after feeling miserably sick day and night in the beginning. She had another scan and everything is fine. But this little tinker kept his/her legs firmly crossed, so we do not know if Oma will have to go shopping for a train set or a doll. The official due date is the 20th of August.