Rosemary, the only thing that might mess up my FoQ plans could be the early arrival of my second grandchild. The little one is officially due on the 20th of August. If I'm not at the stand of the Traditional Quilt Group of the Guild, they'll know where to find me. I think I'll be at the stand quite a lot. I'm taking over as 'Challenge Officer' on May 1st.
Rita, all clothes still fit (sort of), but are rather wide and loose, and I have taken in several pairs of trousers. I have gone from a UK size 36 to 28.
I had to go on a school trip to the Space Museum on Thursday, and had to take a group of students into a space flight simulator. Because you couldn't look into it from the outside I didn't realize that there were those metal safety bars across the seats that you find at amusement park rides. Just a couple of months ago I would have had to go out and ask a colleague to go in, but I breathed in and just managed to click the bar into place. So, thanks to my life style changes I have now been from Mars to one of the moons behind Saturn. :shock:
