Lorchen, you story brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing. Yes, we all need to get healthy, and quilting isn't going to do it. Lois, great story about the weight, and I love your comment about not really wanting to admit how good it is! LOL I can identify with that one!
I'm gonna join this weight loss group. I have gained lots of weight, and I say it is mostly related to the cortisone (steroids) I am taking, but I'm sure I can still do a bit to improve. I find sometimes I eat when I'm not even really hungry, so that will have to stop. I have begun doing a lot more walking and noticed about a kg less! The dog is losing weight too! Actually I began because the vet told me the dog was getting fat!
On experience: I once lost about 7 - 8 pounds just not eating butter over a period of about 6 months. That's the
only thing I cut out! By cutting out the butter, much of the food that I love that goes with butter happened to cut out too. I can now have toast in the morning with just light jam, without putting butter on the toast first. And the buns and rolls got avoided too, because they're just not as nice without butter.
I love the stone idea! Maybe those who do not have grandchildren to give them stone, can treat themselves to a 'stone' of the glittery kind for every 'stone' they lose.