loise98 wrote:
I think it's time to say there are both healthy and unhealthy addictions. From a "mental health" prospective I know quilters are among the most mentally healthy, and mentally resiliant group of people I've come accross. For the most part, they are happy with themselves or they wouldn't pursue a pastime that requires lots of time being pretty much alone. At the same time, they find ways to gather in groups to share their skills, to give encouragement to one another and to find ways to serve their larger community. They laugh. They really laugh alot. They have skills and talents that allow them to put their deepest feelings of loss and love into physical form (baby quilts, wedding quilts, memorial quilts, art quilts/wall hangings). All these activities release powerful chemicals in the brain very similar to the anti-depressants your physcian prescribes - very similar to the oppiates to which drug addicts become harmfully addicted. The ones our own bodies produce are not harmful to our health. Instead, they enhance our well-being. Are we addicted? Perhaps, yes. But is it a bad addiction? Only if we can't cut into our stash and allow the creativity to flourish.
Couldn't have been said better. Love the way you think Lois. Thank you for for sharing your wisdom