Again I've been gone for a few days… house guest just left--my college classmate from almost 40 years ago… she is a soil scientist who maps large expanses of county soils and works with farming communities on a variety of issues. We had a great time, but I missed out on lots of Forum threads so I am busy catching up now…
Limbania, it looks like there is a small entourage of us gathering around Lois to transform wasted fabric into treasures… so welcome aboard the bandwagon. I really like how Lois put it and she certainly changed my outlook. I got over my fear of making a wrong cut by purchasing an extra 1/4 yard beyond what I need, if it's a fabric I'm buying for a specific project. I have, on several occasions, cut and then said, "oh… x@!!" but now I just throw that wrong strip into my pineapple quilt bin to be made into a 1 1/2" strip and I still have extra to correct with. BTW, I like your DD's name, Renatta, and I've seen Renata turned into Reneitta and a few other interesting interpretations, but as long as you don't call me "late for lunch," I will answer to almost anything… no problem!
Lorchen, you chose my little quilt! I am so happy and your contribution to the Alzheimer's Foundation is so important. I just hope you're not too disappointed when you get it. Remember, I had never quilted anything but practice squares and I definitely did not know what I was doing with micro-stippling; I did do my best, but you really do deserve better, Lorchen!!!
Terrie, you're too funny! Having that stash at home is going to be good for this sampler and maybe your next project. Maybe you can commit to shopping your stash exclusively for the next little project you undertake and that will FULLY justify your little $70.00 excursion this time…
Nancy, I LOVE what you did with reds and greys… in fact, I saved your picture in my little inspiration book… it's going to be a while before I figure out how you did it, though…
Wendy, I love your baby quilt sampler… definitely a great idea if I have to come up with something quickly after I learn these blocks, and like you, for me the challenge will be the quilting…