ChristineBBD wrote:
I've been washing and drying fabric while impatiently waiting for the pattern to arrive. I have a 4 month old kitten who helped with the ironing.

She had a fine time attacking the fabric as it dangled from the ironing board.
Thank you for sharing the idea of creating the feathered star block now, and building the fabric choices from there. Whew! It will be easier on my brain doing it this way. I can't wait to get started! But I need to finish ironing first. Here kitty, kitty, kitty!

As you work on this, Christine, remember that the value of the fabric (lightness or darkness of the color) is even more important than the colors!
You have the distinct advantage of looking back through the 2009 BOM Show & Tell link to see what fabric combinations you might really like to try!
Have fun and enjoy the process!