I went and printed out page 8 also and then printed a page from a previous month. They are both the same. Do you have the scale on your printer reset to none? I goofed one month and forgot that. It made a difference.
Margo..it is the actual print out. I went back and printed page 8 of the instructions and compared it with the pattern from a previous month, and the print out was 1/4 inch difference.
Pat, I don't understand your problem. Are you saying that the printouts are the right size, but the size you cut the fabric was smaller by 1/4"??? Others seem to be making the units without a problem so we need to figure out what's going on with yours so I can try to help. If I remember correctly (I made mine over a year ago) the later directions did reduce the size of the fabric pieces so there wasn't as much to be trimmed away. I think you are probably going to be OK, but let us know!
It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !
I was just about to begin sewing my half-square triangles, when I noticed that they were not the same as previous months. There is a difference of 1/4 in. on all sides. The one inch test square was ok. I'm about sick to my stomach.. I sure hope I have enough fabric to cut some more..