Thanks for the great tutorial Susan. I might try that technique on my Cynthia England patterns that I've been putting off because they are too challenging and the way I was going to do it required too much time to redraft the pattern. With this technique I would have to use a lightbox and retrace the patterns in reverse on freezer paper. I think it would be easier doing it this way and working with sections instead of one piece at a time. I'll let you know how it works but not anytime soon.
Susan ...Just checked out your tutorial...Directions look really great.
When I finally get back to my home and my machine and try to catch up with everyone (only have Jan. & Feb. BOM's done) these directions will be really helpful. Thanks...Nan Vacationing in sunny Florida
I have finished my very first tutorial and have posted it on my Web-site. Please check it out and let me know if it is usable. I love to teach but usually do it in person. If you have any questions that I didn't answer on the tutorial just e-mail me and I'll try to help. When you see my instructions you will know I did it just for TQS BOM. My web-site is Click on Workshops and look for free tutorial.