ipquilter wrote:
We now have video instructions! Kewl! Are we going to be able to download them to keep? Or will they only be available as long as the BOM is available? Maybe they'll make the instructions available on DVD...that'd be awesome.
OMGosh! I knew they were making the video, but didn't realize it was on the web site yet! I wonder how long it's been there???

Anyway, if you haven't found it yet, click on BOM on the top purple bar and scroll down to the January pattern. There is a link there for you to click on the instructional video with Sue Garman! You will love her tip about what to do if you stitch a piece onto the foundation and then realize it's not turned in the right direction!
Lots of other great tips, too! Try it, you will like it!!
EDIT: DUH???? That's what I get for coming to the forum before I check the Daily Blog!