Hi, remember me?? HA! I've been AWOL, but have been busy quilting too! Finished October block in mid-November and STILL managed to finish November on time! This is SO not me! (actually, finished it twice. I wasn't happy with the pink ribbon--too much pink with the flowers--so I unsewed and re-did it in green.)Anyway, it's on my profile AND I got them all up on Show & Tell.
DH made a wonderful discovery right before Thanksgiving, he FOUND a CD he'd made of all my old photos before he switched out my computer, but the danged little CD had been missing for several YEARS and I thought it was gone for good. Not only fun pics of my little boys (the twins at the age George is now) but ALL my early quilts! So I've been busy updating all my profile pics.
Also making progress on the TWO graduation quilts, as well as trying to find colleges for them to take the quilts to!!
Hugs, Florence