Margo wrote:
Linda, I'm sorry you are disappointed at the direction that this thread has taken. You started it titled "Chat with Sue" about the episode Sue was featured in. You changed the title to include who was going to Houston. Now you don't like what we are talking about. I'm sorry, but for what it's worth, I'm really looking forward to meeting Sue Garman in Houston, now that I'm able to attend, and I want to see Ricky and Alex, too.
I will start a new thread under "Shows, News and Events" to continue this "chat".
Thank you Margo, now can we get back to the subject of chat? It was fun to see all those who came as IMHO, it is more fun to chat direct
than having to constantly
read forum posts for what we've all been up to. Chat is such a wonderful tool
and as an original blockswapper, I have found the rooms to be a useful tool and have made some long lasting close friendships and wonder why more members don't take advantage of this wonderful tool that TQS put in place for its' members? What do you all think of setting up weekly or monthly chat times? Of course we would need more than one due to the work schedules and time zones. I personaly would LUV to have a room dedicated to the TQS BOM and get to know more of the participants better. WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK