QuilterLynn wrote:
Yes, I guess we would need to establish criterion such as:
1. Does the quilt need to be finished? As in sandwiched AND quilted? or
2. Just the blocks completed? or
3. Do they need to ALL be completed? or....................
maybe there doesn't need to be ANY criterion!
Just a desire to come and commune together.
Well....it looks like this ball is rolling and picking up speed!!!
FYI...Lilo has offered to help with arrangements at that end, but like I said, dates won't be firmed up until next spring.
She said that Walsenburg is an option, as the cast and crew of TQS pretty much take over LaVeta.
I don't think that we should say no to ANYONE who wants to join us, but depending on the total number of participants, and the fact that there are only 40 seats available for each taping segment, we might need to set a criterion for that.
There are 57 members who have posted at least one block, but because my Webshots album has had almost 28,000 hits already, :shock: I have a feeling that there are a few more who are making blocks that haven't been posted!!! (Either that, or some poor soul REALLY needs to get a life!!! LOL!!!)
There are also some who have already said they want to join us who haven't started yet!
At any rate, I hope that whoever comes will bring their blocks, or tops or finished quilts with them.
What a photo op that will be!!!
(And thanks to 13Roses for coining the term!)