Well, I did it. I finally decided to take the big step and start my BOM. I went to the LQS to get some background fabric and came away with an off white with tiny speckles, like paint spatters. Do you know what I mean? I had wanted beige dimples, but they didn't have it. Then I came home and traced the Jan. BOM for placement. I am using a method like Sue Nickles does instead of vinyl. She uses a roll of architect sketch paper which you can see through. I still need to pick out Jan. fabric but this is a start. I figure that since I am needleturning the whole thing, I had better get started as it will take me a long, long time.

I don't have a digital camera with me to take pictures. My DH has our only camera with him back east. But by the time I am ready for a photo, he will be here. Judy in AZ