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TOPIC: October berries

26 May 2008 17:30 #18710

vmckenna wrote:
I've never heard of Circleeze - although I googled and found some sites with them available. From the description it sounds like they may be similar to the new yo-yo makers. Can you explain how it works? From the looks of the October block there may even be smaller circles to make - or - maybe the circles are just in the fabric.

Thanks for mentioning this product. I enjoy learning new techniques and ways to improve how I make quilts.


Hi Virginia. I'll type in the instructions as they appear in the Circleeze package: 1) For 5/8" circles (and they are that size, I asked Sue Garman) cut 2 1/4" squares. Center the circle template on the wrong side of your fabric square, gather the corners together and pinch or slightly twist the fabric. 2) Insert the ends of the fabric through the hole in the base plate and pull snug, smoothing any puckers around the circle template by pulling tight. 3) Evenly spread the fabric out on the back of the base plate, place right side up on your ironing surface and press the top of the fabric circle with a warm, not hot, dry iron for approx. 3 seconds. Remove the fabric from the base plate, remove the circle template and trim the fabric approx. 1/8" from the edge of the circle. Pin and applique to your base fabric taking tiny stitches, using your needle to push the edge under.

My method adds the following: 1) cut 5/8" circles of Ricky's Stable Stuff. Lightly glue each onto center of wrong side of fabric. Follow instructions above. After ironing and trimming, removing the circle template, then I use Elmer's school glue stick around the cut edge, press it down with iron using orange stick. When this is done, the "berry" is ready to be appliqued, which I do by machine. I will make all the October berries, keep them in a tin until October, then when it is time to put them on the block, I'll lightly glue each one in place, press on wrong side to heat-set them, then they will stay in place for appliqueing.

Nancy in NC
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25 May 2008 20:20 #18651

It's me again. I use Circleeze (sp?) to make my circles. There is quite a bit of waste, but I like the technique very much. I have done part of the process and will get some more done soon. I will admit that making 47 berries with the yo-yo method really turns me off. I admire those of you who do that, but not me 8)

Nancy in NC
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25 May 2008 06:07 #18618

Virginia, what a great tip! I have EQ6, but haven't really done much with it. I will have to explore this further. Thanks!

Maggie in E. Central Illinois
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19 May 2008 09:51 #18363

That's good to know! As I'm stuck at my DD's home for another 3 weeks without a sewing machine, I think I just might do those berries!
Last Edit: by linmcquilter.
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19 May 2008 09:44 #18362

Great tip......thank you.
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October berries 18 May 2008 18:54 #18337

I figured out that the October block is the first one, second row, with 47 berries :twisted: :twisted: I emailed Sue G. about the size of the berries and she said yes they are 5/8". I told her I wanted to get started right now and have a box full of berries when October rolls around. She thought it was a good idea and suggested I write on the forum to see if anyone else wants to get a heads-up on them!!

Nancy in NC
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