Hello all, I'm back from a long Easter weekend at MIL's-- no computer, but plenty of time to sew! Thus, my March block is finished and posted... I'm not totally loving this one, and it ended up kind of lopsided, so it may have to be redone... but I'm going to give it time to grow on me
Things I learned on this one: back-basting really doesn't work with all of the over/under, but it works great when working with a directional fabric... I chose not to do the star in the same color as the roses, used a basketweave that I also used on the lip of the basket, but used the pink as the star's center, more like a jewel than a cutaway. Oh well, worth a try....
Florence your blog looks wonderful. I love how your added the rose color into the center of the star. This was the trickiest block so far. I had a couple times I had to tear things out to have things go under . I love the block though.