I usually don't chime in very often to the forum discussion, but I just had to this time.
Margo---I loved your pep talk. GREAT ADVICE!!
I have to share a funny story with all of you regarding my February block. My son has been bringing home a pet rat from school every weekend since he started a new semester in Zoology this year. Well, a few weekends ago he put the rat (in a cage) next to my sewing machine. We keep it in this room (closed door) at night so our cats don't get any kind of 'rat' craving.
Well it turned out the rat decided he had a craving of his own "February block craving". I made the mistake of leaving my February block draped over the top case of my sewing machine and the rat cage must have been a little too close. He managed to get a hold of the top left corner of my block and literally chewed holes in the background fabric. When I first noticed it, I was very upset and wanted to scream!! After a few days went by, I decided to sew a new corner on my block and not stress about it. I'm not sure yet if I will do the entire block over again or if I will just point out the seam on my "finished" quilt and tell my "rat story". Sorry this got so long....