PattiSure wrote:
MontanaGramma wrote:
I even did an internet search in January to see what lilies look like and was trying to decide if I should embroider those little things that stick out (whatever the technical term is)
The technical term is "familiarusto appliquerus"
Cute, Patti! I'm not any kind of a flower expert, but I'm not sure that lillies grow on stems with leaves like that. Don't they grow from bulbs and have leaves like tulips and daffodills?
All I know is that I'm
loving the way Sue designed this whole quilt! Maybe they are Lillius Suegarmanus?
And the February Daisies should probably have lots of petals, but then they would be
really hard to applique. Black-eyed Suegarmanus?
I think they are all just wonderful funky, fun flowers, and I'm glad that Sue made them possible.