I'm a mediocre consumer!
I don't tend to trust marketing gizmos unless, of course, they support what I already think. I should be equally skeptical about advertising whether it supports what I think or contradicts what I think...
But then I'm looking at my Generous Queen (?) Fairfield Nature-Fil bamboo batt and it says "Made in USA" and I don't know what that means either. Does that mean that they grew the bamboo in USA and processed it into soft fibers in the USA and then made a batt out of it in USA? Or maybe they bought bamboo that was made soft and wonderful in another country and then made a batt out of it in USA?
And researching bamboo processing on the internet is not easy either...
So I've got a scrap card trick and when I'm done binding this current quilt, I'm going to stick my bamboo into the card trick, quilt it, and see what I think. If I like it - I think I'll keep using it and I'll smile (maybe in ignorant bliss) thinking I'm green because bamboo grows really fast and makes a lot of oxygen and is naturally antibacterial. And if I don't like it, I'll go back to cotton, maybe organic, but then I don't really know what that means either...
Either way, I'll report back. And I hope others do to.