For me it depends on the day!!! I love , love , love audio books. Download to my mp3 player for free from the library. As for music, on my Ipod I have the music grouped to dance, rock, slow. And I play it according to my mood that day. I have just joined the blog world recently and one of the most commented replies I get is on my music Playlist. I can not read blogs when the music is distracting. So on my blog, the music is at a much slower pace. But I also do not want to fall asleep!!!!
And I agree with you Eileen, when the family is around (kids home from school/husband at night) I maybe sewing but I like to be apart of what is happening and be present with them. It is All about balance!!!!
If you want to hear some of what I sew to (by far this list is so... limited to what I listen to)