JudyFN wrote:
Similar to Eileen, I've struggled to get my printout to align correctly. I thought maybe if I print each page individually that it would help -- no joy. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Is it possible to get the pattern as a single PDF file that hasn't been tiled to take to a copy center? Judy
I had a little trouble getting it to align 100%, too. I just focused on the vine placement and didn't worry about the berries and leaves because they are all the same anyway. I did have to fudge it a little, but only a very little, like 1/8" on the lower right piece.
I wonder, if you look in your printer default page settings, maybe there's something in there that's resizing it slightly based on your margins or something. I know mine does this with PDF files. I just set it to zero margins and make sure it's not trying to center or align the pdf image in any way.
linny t