Good morning BOM-a-dears!
I was excited to start Ruffled Roses so I attacked the circles -- all 70 of them (you do save some for Month 3) -- 1 L1, 41 L2, and 28 Y1.
I use Sue's method with Mylar circles but if you would like to try a freezer paper method or like a crisper edge, Sandra Leichner has 2 nice posts on this technique on Sep 27 and Sep 30, 2010.
Here are some of my lessons learned today. Using Mylar circles I have found I have better success if I actually start with a circle. Instead of rough cutting, I trace a 3/8" circle larger than the finished size using a circle template (Staedtler professional COMBO CIRCLE template has 1/16" increments -- available in the drafting/drawing sections of office supply/craft stores). I have found that tracing a circle (finish size or cut line) using a circle template works betters than trying to trace around the Mylar circles. For cutting, I found using a larger pair of scissors and turning the fabric as I slowly close the blade worked well. I used Fiskars spring-action scissors to good effect without too much hand fatique. Below is a picture of my supplies. All the best with the circles, Judy