If you are planning to do the Ruffled Roses BOM, you need to check your 1/4" seam allowance, and make sure that you can do it accurately. If you aren't sure whether or not your 1/4 is just right, you might want to take my simple "TEST" on Webshots. I promise you that it will make your BOM experience a whole lot more fun!
If yours isn't exactly right, find out what's not working. Have you cut your strips exactly right? Have you stitched 1/4"? Have you pressed the strips without any little tucks or curves? All of these are important for an accurate seam allowance, and accuracy really counts on a project with this many pieces that need to fit together!
While you are at it, you might want to try adding starch to your fabric BEFORE you cut your strips. In fact, do a second one without starch on pre-washed fabric and see what a difference it can make. Starch is not mandatory, but you might decide that you like the control it gives you.
Let me know how your test comes out!