First off I want to appologize to everyone for being whiney yesterday.
I try to be very opptomistic but rainy days get to me. I know that is no excuse but it is true. I love thunderstorms, but gloomy overcast depresses me. That and being without my meds for so long just was too much I guess. Anyway
Eileen please make sure you tell you Dr. about your tired neck and the depression especially. Maybe you could use a soft neck brace at night while awake so that you can still be productive and have your neck supported? I know when I worked in the nursing home we used them on a couple ladies after 5pm because they were just to tired to keep their head up. I'm talking about the kind you get for mild neck injuries, not the stiff hard ones. It's just a thought. Frances what kind of pain are you still having in your foot. Did it just not heal right? Remember this is only June so it is not too unrealistic to think that it is still in the healling stage. Afterall we aren't 18 anymore
Remember you probably didn't listen completely to ALL the Dr. instructions. As my DH say it's Dr. INSTRUCTIONS NOT ADVICE!
like he knows anything right
Well I hope you all feel better soon Rachel